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Seasonal Creating

The hum of the season is so obvious when you live on a farm. I am always inspired by the colors and sounds that are exploding around me in the spring. My garden, overgrown from neglect during the winter offers up surprises and fresh blooms. As I reclaim my vegetable and flower beds I often will replant starts that have boldly showed shoved themselves in odd places. The Borage ( Borage officinalis. Boraginacea) plant is one of my favorite guests in the spring. It grows next to my strawberry patch and it's delicate blue star shaped flowers are wonderful in salads. The plants, that I let grow quite large, are also a great tonic for goats. It helps with increase lactation and I toss it over the fence generously in the spring and wink at the dairy goats...get on with the milking ladies. It is also a lovely plant to attract bees. The honey bee's swarm and hum across the large bush and I find comfort in their busy work as I tend to mine while mulching the strawberry beds.

Borage Flowers Blue
Borage Flowers

Borage Flowers Blue
Borage Flowers

I am using wool in my strawberry beds. The climate is hot here in the summer and our soil sandy loom, while wonderful to plant in, dries out too quickly. The wool from skirting fleeces (taking off the dirty parts before selling) and some of the wool is fleece that was just too dirty to sell. Everything gets used on the farm. After applying the wool around the base of the plants I top it off with grass and alfalfa stem mulch that is gathered from around the hay feeder. This keeps the soil moist even during the hot days that are ahead.

Strawberry Plant with Wool and Straw Mulch
Strawberry Plant with Wool and Straw Mulch

Strawberry plant in mulch
Strawberry Plant

After a morning of photography and gardening my artists brain starts working overtime. I need to work on some Borage flower colorways. So the process starts with dyeing some fiber, trying to capture the colors. Then some blending and I've come up with some batts and rolags. Next up will be some roving and locks for my spinning boxes, and of course some yarn.

Bluefaced Leicester Rolags with Mohair
Bluefaced Leicester Rolag Set

Bluefaced Leicester Rolags hand dyed and pulled by ^^Kat~
Bluefaced Leicester Rolags

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